917-604-7591 [email protected]

Double Chocolate Brownies

Before you say something like, “Another brownie recipe, does this man not have a limit?” I just want to tell you that I believe in democracy. This summer at Cooking by the Book, this has been the most requested dessert. By far. People just love brownies. Call it...

Chocolate Mint Sticks

Suzen is not fond of brownies. She really does not like mint frosting. So, I am forced to self-brownie. I know this blog has several brownies recipes, and there will be more. Just as there are connoisseurs of wine, so I know brownies. I can tell you how many eggs,...

Dark Rocky Roads from Maida Heatter

We all strive for a life that is rewarding, perhaps challenging, but hopefully not arduous. We want to avoid rocky roads, except for perhaps a vacation adventure. No, our pathways in life ideally are as smooth as asphalt with easy hills. Uh, there is one exception....