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La Camelia for Great Chile Rellenos in NYC

La Camelia for Great Chile Rellenos in NYC

  Foodies come in many styles. There are the omnivorous, curious types who will eat anything from anchovies to beetles — plus the rest of the alphabet. There are discriminating types, ones who have favorite cuisines and rarely stray. Say, someone devoted to...
Spicy Guacamole from James Peterson

Spicy Guacamole from James Peterson

Guacamole recipes surround us. They outnumber us. Can there possibly be some new recipe that is really distinctive? Yes, there is. From James Peterson’s new book, Kitchen Simple, comes this recipe that is both simple and good. It is a minimalist recipe. Here you will...
Mexican Chocolate Fudge Pecan Cake

Mexican Chocolate Fudge Pecan Cake

“What do you think?” I asked Suzen proudly. I hadn’t seen a look like this on her face in over twenty years. “No,” she said quietly. “But,” I began, astounded. “I mean no,” her voice was forceful. “No one has ever written a cookbook like this,” I emphasized. She...
Grilled Stuffed Jalapenos

Grilled Stuffed Jalapenos

“Would you?” I began. “No.” “But, …” “No.” “You see,” I tried. “No,” she cut me off. “CAN I JUST FINISH A SENTENCE, PLEASE!” “Of course,” said Miss Demur. “It’s my birthday and I want this dish.” “Your birthday,” her voice was raised, “is in March. This is July.”...