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Michel Roux’s Pâte Sucrée

Fruit tarts can become exceptional when they are nestled in the right pastry shell. The masters of pastry are the French and French expert is Michel Roux. In Pastry: Savory and Sweet he introduces all the classic pastry types and has wonderful recipes to employ them....

Mashed Potato with Chorizo, Bacon, and Paprika

Brian is little religious about his mashed potatoes. You know: potato, butter and milk. To his credit he has begun to branch out, adding cream or blue cheese. And I’ve done some French style where there is more butter than potato. Oh, it’s good. Not healthy but good....

Triple Peach Shake

Yesterday’s post was for peach ice cream. Now, you can just eat that goodie, or you can use it. Adam Reid has written Thoroughly Modern Milkshakes, a treasure of recipes that are outlandishly imaginative. I’m just beginning to warm up my blender with all of Adam’s...

Lebovitz’s Peach Ice Cream

When I want ice cream, I return again and again to The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz. David’s recipes are in a class by themselves. It’s peach season and earlier this year I promised good peach recipes. This recipe, for peach ice cream, is much more than good. It...