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Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunts at CBTB

Your scavenger hunt is a multi-faceted “Concrete Picture Safari” through a New York City neighborhood with clues, challenges, and photo taking tasks.  Your kitchen experience offers a rewarding hands-on cooking experience in our state-of-the-art professional kitchen.

We provide three options for Scavenger Hunts:

Hunt 1, Big Apple Tapas:  A three-hour experience featuring a scavenger hunt followed by a sampling of exciting tapas flavors in our loft party space. You will have a kitchen demonstration displaying the techniques for creating these scrumptious tapas bites.

Hunt 2, Flavors, Adventures and Clues: A Delicious step-up, this half day event will run five hours and feature bonuses such as personalized aprons and a richer menu.  Instead of sampling tapas, your group will have the fun of preparing their own gourmet meal in our state-of-the-art kitchen, with professional help guiding them every step of the way.

Hunt 3, Iron Chef Treasure Hunt: Our premier event, this Scavenger Hunt gives you a full day devoted to team building.  You’ll begin with breakfast, enjoy the Scavenger Hunt, and then dive into our beautiful loft kitchen for a hands-on culinary event.  In the kitchen we keep the competition going by offering an Iron Chef style experience where the buzz is all about creativity with a deadline!