917-604-7591 [email protected]

A Word to Our Readers

Suzen and I are glad so many of you world-wide are enjoying this blog. We have several hundred readers a day and our readership spans the globe. Readers in over 80 countries have sampled our recipes. We hope that you continue to enjoy our blog and we encourage you to...

Suzen’s Duck Breast Crostini

Yesterday I suggested an intriguing appetizer: roasted olives with herbs, orange zest, and vinegars. You can’t start a dinner party with just one appetizer and finding something to complement those roasted olives requires some imagination. Suzen has imagination....

Roasted Olive Appetizers

I am not a fan of olives. I just never got into them. I love foods with a tang: capers, anchovies, and vinegars. But olives, no, I find the flavor too intense and direct. I have been told, by my olive-loving wife, that I just need to taste more. I have yet to summon...