917-604-7591 [email protected]


Two weeks ago I had hopes that summer might continue. This weekend in Olive, Suzen and I used the fireplace and enjoyed the leaves along every byway. Fall is here. The deer in our front yard all have their dark winter coats. And they are nibbling away at the parts of herb garden they missed on warmer days.

Besides the leaves and pumpkins and frost, fall brings the opportunity for glorious food. We have religious and national holidays from now until January 2. Our farms are finishing their harvests and that bounty is ready for our tables.

So, on this blog, you’ll see a new round of ideas for fall feasts, including Thanksgiving. This year, I’m not going to repeat the gravy and the mash potato recipes. It’s time for new, new things. Yes, we can still have turkey for Thanksgiving, but let's have the rest of the table be excitingly different.

Look for outstanding veggie recipes. Ideas to make you really love sweet potatoes. And I’ll be emphasizing a neglected and very American flavor: maple.

If you have ideas you’d like to share or see, please send them along.

And, just a little request. If you are reading this blog and enjoying it, please pass the word to your family and foodie friends. You may have seen that Suzen and I are writing more: we are striving for seven recipes and five cookbook reviews a week. It’s our pleasure to share great culinary ideas with you, and we’d love for more people to enjoy these posts. Our readership is up to a million page hits a month. Help us add a few million more!