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It’s January 7th. How is it going? You know, your New Year’s resolutions to eat better, exercise more, be better.

We can all use a little help. Here’s a lot, a boatload of help. Totally Buf is targeted to women but the exercises and the 100 recipes work for guys too.

The book outlines a six-week program for exercise, starting at an easy pace and accelerating upward. Each week includes a meal plan — breakfast, lunch and dinner — so that your intake is matched t your exercise program. There are nutrition tips and guidance in these chapters. Toast is fine, store-bought cereal comes with too much sugar and, yes, too much salt. [How do you think we become addicted to that stuff anyway?]

These six chapters are not packed with exercise routine but rather with advice about attitude and eating. How can you shift from “that standard” diet we all use and instead thrive on better and even guilt-free foods. There is careful advice on how to make healthy substitutions — with actual gains in flavor. Do you love big plates of pasta slathered with meat sauce? How about a small amount of whole grain pasta, infused with natural flavor, topped with a low-sugar sauce and diced tomatoes. Or, swap the pasta for spiralized zucchini and carrots that taste like noodles but let you skip all the carbs.

The recipes, of course, come packed in chapters for:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Sides, Drinks and Snacks

There are 150 pages of solid, healthy ideas here. Ideas like:

Breakfast with an Asparagus Egg Scramble with some spinach leaves, too, for color, and  Green Baked Eggs with garlic, zucchini, mushrooms and kale topped with two eggs and topped with goat cheese and sliced avocado

Lunch can be a Bacon and Broccoli Salad with flaked almonds and a yoghurt dressing or a Brown Rice Poke Bowl with long slices of cucumber

Dinner recipes offer some exciting ideas like Baked Eggplant Stuffed with Lentils and topped with feta or a Beef Satay Stir-Fry over quinoa

The recipes here are solid, slanted towards being healthy for sure, but happy in their presentation and certainly rich with flavor. If you follow the plan here, you certainly will not feel deprived. And you certainly are going to feel healthier, happier.

So, if your 2019 Program is now a tad shaky, here’s the reinforcement you need. Exercise, eat, and tune up your attitude. Until you are Totally Buf.