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This week’s blogs are focused on foodie needs for the Super Bowl.  While you may be watching from somewhere with a chill factor of zero or below, the game will be in warm Miami.  And I’ve just blogged some spicy nachos to nibble on.  So, what you all need is a cooling beverage that matches those Miami palm trees and the sizzle in your mouth.

Frozen DaiquiriHere’s an easy blender cocktail that works perfectly.  One of the ingredients is citrus sugar syrup.  Plain sugar syrup will do but the citrus syrup I recently blogged is easy to make and truly adds to the flavor of this beverage.  [https://cookingbythebook.com//blog/recipes/sublime-citrus-sugar-syrup/]

Grab your blender, some ice, and sip away.


Brian’s Frozen Mango Daiquiri

Ingredients [for one drink]:

2 ounces white rum
1 ounce mango nectar
Juice of one lime or one lemon [tarter or sweeter as you desire]
1 ounce citrus sugar syrup


Put all the ingredients in a blender with a cup of ice cubes.  Process until blended.  Pour into a wide mouthed glass.

Source: Brian O’Rourke