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With strawberries available year-round, what can you do with them? On cold winter days, what better than cold strawberry lemonade. Spiked with Prosecco. Once made, we put the lemonade, not in the refrigerator, but out on our screened in porch. It was 20 degrees on Sunday and this batch just carried us through the Superbowl.

With no Prosecco, this is an intense lemonade that carries forward the berry flavor. With the Prosecco, you get the dazzle of bubbles all through your mouth. Perfectly refreshing.

If you google other recipes, you’ll find that for 2 cups of lemon juice, folks suggest 6 or even 8 cups of water. Here, I use just 4. Why? Well, this lemonade will wake you up faster than a couple of espressos!

Strawberry and Prosecco Lemonade

Yield: serves several depending on life


  • 2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, tops removed and the berries quartered
  • 1 bottle of Prosecco


Place the lemon juice, water and sugar in your blender. Blend to dissolve the sugar. Add the berries and process for a minute or more — enough time so that you do NOT have to sieve the results.

Pour into a glass container and chill.

When ready to serve, offer in chilled glasses: 2 parts strawberry mixture and 1 part Prosecco. Repeat all afternoon. Or evening. Or morning.

Source: Brian O’Rourke

Photo Information: Canon T2i, EFS 60mm Macro Lens, F/3.5 for 1/40th second at ISO‑125