by Brian | Nov 9, 2011 | Recipes
In upstate New York today, it was in the high 60s so that Halloween snow is gone. But more snow is on the way. That’s why this was a Kindling Day. Warm, blue sky, no snow or ice. The perfect day to gather firewood and kindling. There may not be another day like this...
by Brian | Sep 14, 2011 | Recipes
When I was growing up, the only beans were ever ate were from a metal can. We canned them ourselves in a local coop and for the first few months, they were okay. Not fresh, but edible. As time passed, as one year approached, opening a can was an exercise in...
by Suzi | Feb 13, 2011 | Recipes
Slow food versus fast food. Slow food versus very slow food. Long cooking times can enable flavors and textures that simply are not possible with a microwave, a deep fryer or a simple broiler. Here’s a perfect example. You start with cooked white beans, adorn them...
by Brian | Mar 8, 2010 | Cookbook Reviews, Recipes
Mark Miller is one of the most prominent Southwestern chef and cookbook authors. If you visit Santa Fe, then the Coyote Café is a festive spot for his delectable beverages, appetizers and full meals. The wide stairway lined with pink stucco leading you to the second...