917-604-7591 [email protected]

Fudgy Brownies from Good Housekeeping

My brownies, are perfect!!!!!!! Brian’s may taste good, but too often they look like a bumpy road or a small sink hole. When I bake, the results are much better. Oh, to his credit he does help me with mise en place and he cleans up like a champ. Jeez, give him a bowl...

Maida Heatter’s Denver Brownies

In a recent blog, The Chocolate Cookie Detective, I told you of my journey to Maida Heatter’s Cookies in search of a long lost recipe. I found that cookie, but along the way in Maida Heatter’s Cookies there was more to consider. Much more. The sign of a really good...
Butterscotch and Fudge Brownie Bars

Butterscotch and Fudge Brownie Bars

These brownies cover all the bases. Underneath a fudge brownie is a layer of chocolate chips, and underneath the chocolate chips is a layer of butterscotch walnut brownie. The different layers are made from one batter that is divided and flavored with melted...