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French 75

How does a great cocktail spring from these factors: Demographic trends of European nations An oil-filled cylinder with a piston Champagne A thirsty, stressed aviator with a pet lion The French 75 is a now classic cocktail created by Raoul Lufbery, a French-American...

Brian’s Watermelon Slush

What are the words I dread to hear at a dinner party? “We’re out of sangria.” You see, while you can easily whip up a cocktail, sangria is another story. Sangia is not just wine with fruit and maybe some additional liquors added. No, there is a critical time factor....

Watermelon Aqua Fresca

Here is a very, very, very simple recipe. And yet it is totally delicious and refreshing. Flavored waters are a staple of Mexican cuisine. On a warm day, and better on a hot one, sitting with a glass of freshly made aqua fresca can simply make a dizzy world seem calm....