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Basic Gazpacho Recipe

Basic Gazpacho Recipe

I remember my first gazpacho recipe. It was a long time ago and I found myself, for the usual reasons, suddenly living alone with no one else around to cook for me. I had gone about a week at this new branch of life and it was rapidly dawning on me that I would not...
Bread & Water + Tomatoes = Gazpacho

Bread & Water + Tomatoes = Gazpacho

“Do you hit your wife during the night?” the man asked me. I hesitated to answer. The question was stark. And, I have always maintained that what happens between me and Suzen in the privacy of our bedroom is, well private. “No, Doctor, he does not,” Suzen answered....

Watermelon Gazpacho from Austin

On Wednesday, we were in Olive, New York. It was snowing a bit. The daffodils held their heads up nobly. Suzen searched for the car keys and escape. Today, Saturday, we are in Austin. No immediate threat of snow. Suzen is basking in the heat. But to offset the 90°,...
Watermelon Gazpacho

Watermelon Gazpacho

Brian has a couple of recipes he always for in a new cookbook. Brownies, of course. But, perhaps surprisingly, gazpacho. Brian first heard about this sumptuous soup thirty years ago, watching a cooking show on television. Yes, they had cooking shows then. The show...