917-604-7591 [email protected]

Tomatillo Temptations Part 2

Recently I blogged about tomatillo salsa, that vibrant, green salsa that you may have sampled with chips or had adorned on top of a main course. Tomatillo salsa offers that great versatility. You can find my earlier blog at:...
Tomatillo Temptations Part 1

Tomatillo Temptations Part 1

My first taste of green salsa was at a now long-gone New York City restaurant. The food there was good, the salsa amazing. I use to buy that green stuff by the pint and bring it home. The core ingredient in green salsa is the tomatillo. Often referred to as green...

Recipes for Super Bowl Weekend

This week’s blogs have focused on Super Bowl ideas.  If you are a football fan, then you now have fuel for a distinctive party.  If you hate football, you have some wonderful ways to just have a great and quiet Sunday meal.  Here’s a list of this week’s blogs. ...
Spicy Mango Salsa

Spicy Mango Salsa

If I say “salsa” what crosses your mind?  To most of us, the “salsa” word immediately pulls up an image of something red, hot, and sitting on a chip.  It’s as if Karl Marx were the Chief Salsa maker with the motto: “Salsas of the world, unite!” Thank God for...