917-604-7591 [email protected]

A Very Disappointing Bakery Experience

“You are just negative about everything.” Suzen was vehement and her hands were on her hips, a bad sign. “I am not, Suzen,” I responded. “I simply report on the world as it is.” “And for you it always half empty.”...
Pecan Meringue Cookies

Pecan Meringue Cookies

I am a fan of meringue cookies, with fond remembrance of “Surprise Cookies” from my childhood. Mounds of meringue, colored yellow or green or red, and filled with chocolate chips. Fresh from the oven, the meringue was sugar heaven encasing those warm, gooey chips....

Behind the Pie: Keeping Bananas Slices Yellow

Tomorrow’s post will be about the dessert I’m making for today’s 4th of July party. Our neighbors have an annual bash where the price of entry is one homemade pie. With forty people coming year and after year, the friendly competition is earnest....