Cookbook Review: Artisan Drinks by Lindy Wildsmith

Cookbook Review: Artisan Drinks by Lindy Wildsmith

This is the best cookbook I have seen in many months. It is about as close to being perfect as you can imagine: engaging topics, wonderful recipes, sharp writing, and photographs that are art. If you drink more than water and coffee, then this book is one you will use...
Nut Roast from Do-Ahead Christmas

Nut Roast from Do-Ahead Christmas

Did you make some New Year’s resolution that is proving hard to fulfill? Less meat in your life? From Do-Ahead Christmas by James Ramsden here is a nut roast. Yes, you read that correctly and it may quite satisfy your need for “substance.” Here loads...
Baked Churros with Dark Chocolate Ganache

Baked Churros with Dark Chocolate Ganache

For her customers at Cooking by the Book, Suzi knows that the dessert has to be the perfect cap for the evening’s meal. Teams come into her kitchen, cook together, and then dine on their creations. That final dish, dessert, has to fabulous. When you have 20 or...