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I like crab. And I like tropical fruit. And I like salsa. So, this is just my recipe. Here’s a savory salsa that can make a Tostito spin in your mouth. I know, people say crab is sweet. That mango is sweet. Look, sugar is sweet. Crab and mango taste like crab and mango. But, oh so good together.

You can play with this recipe endlessly. Add some finely diced shallots or onion. Some chives. The green chile is not hot, really, but you can include heat from jalapeno to habanero. Scotch Bonnet? Uh, you might not taste the crab then.

How to use this salsa? Like I said: Tostitos. Or you can make a green gazpacho with avocado! That recipe will appear here tomorrow. That gives you time to go out, buy an avocado and get a day to let it ripen to perfection. It’s true: put it in a brown paper bag, close that bag up, and leave in a warm spot.


Crab and Mango Salsa

Yield: 1 cup


  • ½ cup ripe mango flesh, finely diced
  • ½ cup freshly prepared white crab meat
  • ½ green chile, seeded and finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro leaves
  • Juice and zest of 1 lime


Combine the salsa ingredients in small bowl and gently stir to mix. Do not overmix. You do not want to break up the crab meat into tiny pieces.

Refrigerate until ready to use.

Source: Goodness of Avocado by Lucy Jessop [Kyle 2016]

Photo Information: Canon T2i, EFS 60mm Macro Lens, F/4 for 1/30th second at ISO‑320