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Snack food. I was part of a prescription drug study for a couple of years where they asked about my daily eating.

“Do you eat snack foods?” The asked. I said, “No.” Three months later, same thing. And again. And again. Finally, I realized I might be screwing up the study so I confessed. God, yes, I eat snack foods.

But, but, in my defense, Suzi tries to make me good snack food. Yeah, I have a Doritos addiction, but there are better ways to snack. And, form 2012, here is one of them:

Having a party? Need a quick appetizer to tantalize your guests? These anchovy twists are flavor grenades. Serving these lovely twists will give you a running start for a flavor profile that will have everyone bubbling and provide you with a theme for the entire evening.

Anchovy offers an intense flavor that is readily matched with strong cocktails [think margaritas!]. And this spikey flavor naturally leads to a dinner table adorned with Caesar Salad [more anchovy!] and crusted protein [grilled steak or lamb chops].

While you’ve probably had cheese twists lately, these anchovy gems are quite different: soft and tender, not hard and crispy. That feel-and-taste distinction will have your guests guessing what other twists you have planned for them. [Clearly, some twisted cookie recipe is needed here. I’m off and researching!]

Anchovy Twists

Yield: 20-25 twists


  • 1 Quantity Pastry with Quark [recipe follows]
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten, for glazing
  • 2 ounces anchovy fillets packed in oil, drained and finely chopped
    • Grated sharp cheese [optional]


Make the Pastry with Quark according to the recipe below but divide it into two portions before wrapping in plastic wrap.

Preheat the oven to 425°F.

Take the pastry out of the refrigerator and remove the plastic wrap. Roll one portion out on a lightly floured surface, with a rolling pin, into a rectangle about 16×12 inches. Repeat with the other portion.

Brush some of the beaten egg over each portion of pastry. Divide the chopped anchovies in two and spread them evenly over half of each pastry rectangle.

Optionally, at this point you can enrich the twists by sprinkling with some grated sharp cheese.

Fold the bare pastry half over the anchovy [and cheese] filling and press gently together. Repeat with the other pastry rectangle. Brush the remaining beaten egg over the top. Cut into strips about ½ inch wide and twist each strip into a spiral. Arrange on the prepared baking sheet.

Bake in the preheated oven for 7-9 minutes, or until golden brown.

Serve warm or cold.

Pastry with Quark


  • 2 sticks unsalted butter,
  • softened at room temperature
  • 8 ounces (1 cup) quark or pot cheese
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt


Put the butter and quark in a mixing bowl and beat together with a wooden spoon until well mixed.

In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, and salt together. Tip into the mixing bowl and mix until a dough forms.

Roll into a ball, then flatten into a disk before wrapping in plastic wrap.

Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before continuing with the recipe you are following.

Source: Nordic Bakery Cookbook by Miisa Mi