917-604-7591 [email protected]


Years ago Suzen mastered making great bread. Great bread. Yet, there are steps beyond mere greatness. Using the latest Tartine cookbook, Suzen has found this amazing technique of baking bread in a pot. She heats the oven and a cast iron pot to 500°F, then pours her...
Little Girl at little t Bakery

Little Girl at little t Bakery

  That little girl has a problem. She is looking at the counter, that picture in the lower right, and she’s beginning to realize it could be a long day. Her brother, on the other hand, has clearly learned from his yoga classes. He is aware that the one baguette...
Tartine Bread Techniques: Basic Country Bread

Tartine Bread Techniques: Basic Country Bread

Basic Country Bread The picture above is one of Suzen’s magnificent home baked breads. She’s long been a baker and in the past decade she got to be very, very good.  But now she has transitioned to a great baker. This bread is Paris-class. If you want to...
Archipelago Bread

Archipelago Bread

  You may have heard in your life about different therapies people follow. Some are into yoga, some do marathons, some drink, some swim. Some attempt to do all these things in the same day. Therapists joke about their Mondays. The patients creep in for massive...
Tartine Stale Bread Soup

Tartine Stale Bread Soup

I pride myself on my baking. It has only taken, what, about twenty years to get good at it. But I bake bread and it is very, very good bread. I bring it to every dinner party Brian and I go to, and each hostess is delighted to serve it, warmed with butter on the side....