917-604-7591 [email protected]

Watermelon Gazpacho from Austin

On Wednesday, we were in Olive, New York. It was snowing a bit. The daffodils held their heads up nobly. Suzen searched for the car keys and escape. Today, Saturday, we are in Austin. No immediate threat of snow. Suzen is basking in the heat. But to offset the 90°,...

Brian’s Sour Cherry Mojito

The farmers market in Tribeca on Saturday is just a tad different. It’s the only market here in the Northeast that I have seen with a vendor selling orchids. And there’s this very distinguished looking Amish gentleman offering habenero dill pickles. Talk about...
Yogurt Leg of Lamb from Stone Turtle

Yogurt Leg of Lamb from Stone Turtle

I know, lamb is not an everyday dish. And for many it’s an acquired taste. There is, of course, the British-inspired route of having one bite of mint jelly for every bite of lamb. And then there are better paths. At our recent course on wood oven cooking at Stone...
Grandma’s Frozen Apricot

Grandma’s Frozen Apricot

Ah, breakfast. Orange juice? Yes. Jam? Yes. What kind? Apricot. Is it Sunday by the way? No. Actually, it’s not even breakfast, but I’m thirsty and want something very interesting. Not a mimosa, but something that … In her new guide to the best in drinking, 101...

Crispy Cauliflower with Lemon and Mint

I know that the title of this post will have caused some people to pause for just a moment. How can a blog devoted to chocolate and alcohol present something about cauliflower? It turns out that my food pyramid is defective: Level 1: Sugars: white, light brown, dark...