Grilled Corn and Poblano Potato Salad

Grilled Corn and Poblano Potato Salad

I love potato salad. The eggs, the pickles, a little celery, the parsley on top, … And what if you took all of that away? All of those classical components? Now what? From Fresh Mexico comes this potato salad adding the sweetness of corn and the fire of roasted...
Grilled Peaches for Salad and Salsa

Grilled Peaches for Salad and Salsa

For this Memorial Day Weekend, I promised two more ways to use grilled peaches. Granted this holiday weekend is almost over, but the peaches will be with us for months to come. So, here are two ideas to try thanks to John D. Lee []. As an...
Three Ideas for Grilled Peaches for Dessert

Three Ideas for Grilled Peaches for Dessert

For this Memorial Day Weekend, I’ve promised a dessert with no chocolate and no buttermilk. Here it is: Grilled Peaches. In three different styles. But, these dessert ideas come with a bonus because I’ve found uses for grilled peaches beyond dessert. How about in a...
Seattle Oxblood Cake from Clementine Paddleford

Seattle Oxblood Cake from Clementine Paddleford

Todays’ cocoa, and today’s buttermilk, have some different chemical properties than they did 60 years ago. Old fashioned cocoa could then give a cake a lovely “reddish” color — a color I believe that resembles the “red velvet” color so popular today. This is a very...