by Brian | Oct 13, 2016 | Recipes, TBT
"You'll look like an idot," my wife said, "and you have a cold." I was headed to Starbuck for our morning fix. It's only a block away and I hate being over dressed. I miss summer with warm mornings. It's mid-Ocotober and the mornings...
by Brian | Oct 13, 2016 | Cookbook Review
We don’t know why the number 13 is feared. Suzi and I were once in Italy about to site for dinner. The hostess counted heads and discovered, in horror, that 13 of were about to sit down. The gardener was summoned so that 13 could be 14. And we never talk...
by Brian | Oct 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
It's early fall and the days are strange. One day is warm, though not hot. The next day, there is a clipped breeze that sends you back indoors for a light coat. Summer is gone. Yet, yet, we can still find some summer wonders. There are tomatoes out there, freshly...
by Brian | Oct 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
I first reviewed this wonderful book two years ago. I'm doing it again because, if I were headed to a desert island, I would want this book with me. Along with a lot of chocolate, coffee, crabmeat and chorizo. Today, David Burke has a restaurant empire. He...
by Brian | Oct 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
This top photo shows the state of the CBTB kitchen right now at the end of Day 3. How did the kitchen look when it all began on Monday morning? Here's Day 1 photo of the kitchen we loved for 10 years. And here's a photo later...