917-604-7591 [email protected]
Caponata Classica from Sicily by Phaidon

Caponata Classica from Sicily by Phaidon

We just enjoyed nine days in Italy, eight in Sicily and one in Milan [we broke up the trip home over two days and walked Milan for 20 hours!]. This was our first trip to Sicily and this dish was ubiquitous. You have water, you have bread, you have caponata. It’s a...
Egg and Ridge Gourd Curry

Egg and Ridge Gourd Curry

Here’s another gem from the powerful The Indian Cooking Course by Monisha Bharadwaj. If you are interested in learning the deepest spicy details of Indian cooking, then I cannot recommend a better avenue to learn. This combination of veggies, curry, and hard-boiled...
On Pastry Cream: 2018 Update

On Pastry Cream: 2018 Update

Oh, I don’t eat these for the puff pastry. It’s the pastry cream. Just that pastry cream. I’m updating this post from one four years ago by adding two more recipes and showing you how diverse the recipes for pastry cream can be. If you were a mathematician, a...
TBT Recipe: Giant Yogurt Gingerbread

TBT Recipe: Giant Yogurt Gingerbread

If you need a quick, big and quite delightful dessert, then this is your solution. This substantial gingerbread comes from the Yogurt Cookbook from Stonyfield Farm so it features yogurt, plain yogurt. There is a little tang in the resulting cake, but your tongue may...