917-604-7591 [email protected]

The Whole Food Photography Policy

I live in Tribeca, a few blocks from a large Whole Foods. Suzen shops there for Cooking by the Book. We spend a LOT of money there to get the greatest ingredients. We appreciate the quality of the ingredients. The prices at Whole Foods have been the subject of many...

This Is About Insurance, Not Food

I did not blog yesterday, for good reason. I was on a mission to clarify my health insurance and it took all day. Two months ago, Suzen got a letter here at Cooking by the Book from Blue Cross, the provider of health insurance for her and her employees. She opened the...
A Different Kind of Fall Recipe

A Different Kind of Fall Recipe

Recipes come in all shapes and sizes. The better intent of a recipe is to provide satisfaction, not just sustenance. For Suzen, her favorite recipes are bread. You’ve seen pictures at times of the extraordinary breads she can makes. Constantly makes, I must say....
Little Girl at little t Bakery

Little Girl at little t Bakery

  That little girl has a problem. She is looking at the counter, that picture in the lower right, and she’s beginning to realize it could be a long day. Her brother, on the other hand, has clearly learned from his yoga classes. He is aware that the one baguette...

We Need Your Vote, Please

Hello, Cooking by the Book has applied for a grant from Chase Manhattan Bank. Getting that grant, in this financial environment, would be a major boost for our cooking school and for this blog. I’m asking you to vote for us. Go to the link below, then...

Tomorrow Is Another Day

It’s Mothers’ Day and I just checked to see if anyone is reading the blog today. Not many are, and that’s okay because this is truly a very important holiday. So, tomorrow, there will be new recipe, one from my grandson Daniel, actually. Suzen and I...