917-604-7591 [email protected]
Spoonbread with Simple Chorizo

Spoonbread with Simple Chorizo

  Spoonbread? You may have heard of it, but unless you have had the delight of tasting it, spoonbread has to be mystery. Soft, gooey, … what could it be? On my first bite, I said, “This is a cornmeal soufflé.” And that’s exactly right. A spoonbread is a savory...

Mashed Potato with Chorizo, Bacon, and Paprika

Brian is little religious about his mashed potatoes. You know: potato, butter and milk. To his credit he has begun to branch out, adding cream or blue cheese. And I’ve done some French style where there is more butter than potato. Oh, it’s good. Not healthy but good....