by Brian | May 30, 2013 | News
I know that in the past week, I have been derelict in blogging. I was busy internally training my new writing assistant. Blogging is a lonely profession. So to give me company and to protect against any unwanted critters [no, we don’t have mice; she’s just...
by Brian | May 29, 2013 | Recipes, Techniques
Congratulations. You’ve just cooked a chicken. You may be carving it up, prematurely because you are eager to get to the table. What’s the next thing you do? Clean that roasting pan while it is hot and before things begin to...
by Brian | May 24, 2013 | Cookbook Review
You probably want to get your own copy of The Icecreamists just to understand the full scope of author Matt O’Connor’s iconoclastic life. His passion for ice cream began, in his mind, when he was five and dropped his cone on the boardwalk of an English seaside town....
by Brian | May 23, 2013 | Cookbook Review
The classic Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, that volume with the red and white checkerboard cover, is a fixture in many of our kitchens. That is a great book, but Better Homes and Gardens does spawn even better ideas. They have a new book entitled Fresh:...
by Brian | May 22, 2013 | Recipes
It’s tricky. If I appear to be acting with intent, she’ll smell it out, her suspicions will rise, and I’m screwed. I dip the menu down. A contemplative look crosses my face. I raise my eyes to my wife and softly puzzle a question, “Did you see that list of appetizers....