917-604-7591 [email protected]
Jalapeno Margarita from Tanteo

Jalapeno Margarita from Tanteo

I am not a fan of “adulterated” food and beverages. A flavored tequila? I’ll make my own. Not any more. Tanteo is a new firm with a line of flavored tequilas that you must, must try: jalapeno, cocoa, and tropical. Jalapeno tequila? You are thinking what I did: kitsch,...
Suzen’s Quick Bourbon Punch

Suzen’s Quick Bourbon Punch

  Suzen was having an event for a culinary organization in our Tribeca space. For her corporate team building events, Suzen is in charge and everything goes very smoothly on schedule. When a culinary organization comes in, and takes over the kitchen, it’s a...
Ruby Red Grapefruit Gimlet

Ruby Red Grapefruit Gimlet

    It was early afternoon and, although I was not feeling ill, I was preparing a precautionary medication. “Bit early?” Suzen gave me a loving glare. “It’s medicine,” I explained with utmost patience. How can she be married to me for so long and not...
Luce Del Sole from The Modern Mixologist

Luce Del Sole from The Modern Mixologist

“It looks like Fanta,” Suzen said. I was noble about it. Not crestfallen. Not angry. “Taste it,” I encouraged her. “This is good!” she said with surprise. “That’s why I went out,” I said. “Grapefruit vodka.” “I thought you’d always make your own?” she was puzzled....