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Cookbook Review: Estella

Cookbook Review: Estella

    Chef Ignacio Mattos grew up in Uruguay, a nation of just three million people, but with many immigrants from Spain, Portugal, and Italy. He was part of a large family that found life centered around the table. It was natural for him to go to culinary...
Cookbook Review: Never Use Futura

Cookbook Review: Never Use Futura

    Well, this isn’t exactly a cookbook review. But it’s about what makes many of the books and products you use immediately recognizable. It’s the font. In particular, it’s the Futura font. Created in Germany by Paul Renner in 1927, Futura went through...
Cornish Game Hens, the Easy Way

Cornish Game Hens, the Easy Way

    Here are the two most important things about Cornish Game Hens: [1] They do NOT taste like chicken. The flavor is more intense, far less boring. [2] They can be prepared with total ease [3] Yes, this is the third of two things: that easy preparation will...